Season 5

The new ladder season is hereeeeeee, and I've already played like 20 something games so I'd say I'm off to great start. I just wish I had someone to go through what I'm doing wrong so I could improve so So SOO much faster.

Win Rate vs. Race Statistics

Meh, once again not doing so hot in TvZ or TvT, but I'm doing amazing in TvP still, and its only because of that proxy factory build. Otherwise, I can't take a single engagement lategame, like for instance, there was this TvP game I recently played and my army supply was literally about 40 above and I still lost the engagement, even though I emp'd his templars and took out all his colossi, its still relatively difficult to kite back with your bioball.

In other news, I think I'm gonna start focusing on my TvT, I really want to be good at this matchup, and even though it feels like I have a superior lead over them, I always find some sort of way to throw the game, I don't even know.


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